The FG Xpress Comp Plan - Pay it Forward and Prosper
"Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process." - Jim Rohn Now that you've been introduced to the company FG Xpress and understand what Power Strips are, you're probably wondering how to make money with FG Xpress. The answer is simple. Share and pay forward Power Strips with those in your immediate circle of influence and/or use the global platform FG Xpress has in place and the "How do I make money with FG Xpress" question takes care of itself.
Here's a video that explains the BIG PICTURE of the FG Xpress Comp Plan. Watch the brief FG Xpress Comp Plan video below to learn more about the BIG picture view of the FG Xpress Comp Plan
Contrary to what SO MANY "think" is necessary to become successful in business, whether it be FG Xpress or any other, it's NOT about selling, telling, convincing or persuading. In fact, DOING that will LIMIT your business dramatically. The KEY to success is sharing, caring, contributing and PAYING FORWARD products, services, etc. that you believe in and KNOW can provide personal value to others. It's a help others, help yourself approach to business.
It should be obvious now. Maximizing the FG Xpress Comp Plan simply entails paying FG Xpress forward. Doing that enables the "how you get paid" question to answer and take care of itself. When you couple Power Strips with the FG Xpress Comp Plan, and keep your focus and intention on "sharing" the benefits and contributing to those who it can benefit, (which is EVERYONE on the planet) the financial rewards take care of themselves. And I must say, they do so in a HUGE way. What's truly exciting about the FG Xpress Comp Plan is the fact that you can create a a VERY SIGNIFICANT and LONG TERM stream of income RESIDUALLY. Since there are MANY ways that you're compensated for sharing Power Strips, the quickest and simplest way to answer the "How do I make money with FG Xpress" question would be to say in a powerfully leveraged way on many levels. The FG Xpress Comp Plan is based on what can be best described as a "hybrid compensation structure" that integrates immediate short term rewards with long term residual rewards that you receive over and over again week after week, month after month and year after year for efforts you expended ONCE. As we move forward I'm going to describe both the tangible as well as the intangible factors that without fail determine your personal level of success with FG Xpress or ANY OTHER venture you might choose to engage in. First, let's take a closer look at the tangible aspects of the FG Xpress Comp Plan so you might see in a tangible kind of way the ENORMOUS potential that lies ahead for you. The FG Xpress comp plan is based on a powerfully leveraged multi-layered bonus structure that pays you significant fast start bonuses up front, combined with HUGE short and long term WEEKLY and MONTHLY team bonuses that pay you over and over again for years to come...residually. In addition, you receive HUGE milestone bonuses as your FG Xpress team grows. It's the intention of FG Xpress as a company to move money and commodity around the world at record pace. Once you've viewed and understand the FG Xpress Comp Plan, you'll clearly see how and why that is becoming a tangible reality in the lives of those who choose to pay FG Xpress and Power Strips forward. Here's the "birds eye view" of how you get compensated and the various bonus structures that the FG Xpress Comp Plan provides...
- Immediate fast start bonuses for personally enrolled team members (Up to 25%)
- XTribe bonus paid monthly ($200.00 bonus)
- Matching bonuses for team members up to 4 levels deep paid weekly (Up to 50% matching bonus paid directly to you WEEKLY for bonuses earned by your team members)
- Percentage of ENTIRE team bonus paid monthly (8%-12% depending on your personal monthly purchase)
- Milestone bonuses paid over time (HUGE one time performance bonuses up to $87,000.00 dollars!!)
- Additional performance based prizes and incentives
Unlike many residually based comp plans out there today, FG Xpress pays a whopping 62% of revenues received to those who choose to pay FG Xpress forward. In case you're not familiar with how residiually based comp plans work, that's HUGE. Enough about speculation, potential and possibility. Let's look at some tangible specifics regarding how the FG Xpress Comp Plan works starting at the foundational level. Once we've covered that, you can arrive at your own conclusions regarding what's possible or not possible for you. If you're anything like me, attempting to imagine the possibilities of a long term multi-layered bonus and compensation structure can be a bit mind boggling. If that's the case, no worries. The video below provides the single most important focus of the FG Xpress Comp Plan that best determines both short and long term, how you make money and maximize your potential with FG Xpress. It's called XTribe. The XTribe video that follows should put it all into perspective and simplify things IMMENSELY. XTribe is the simple and easy aspect of the FG Xpress Comp Plan that CAN enable you to get into profit VERY quickly and earn mind boggling sums of long term residual income as your FG Xpress business grows and expands. Watch the video below and you'll see how the XTribe portion of the FG Xpress Comp Plan works, how simple it is and WHY focusing on XTribe EXCLUSIVELY is ALL that you or anyone else needs to focus on to achieve extraordinary success and a mind boggling long term income with FG Xpress...
The Lifeblood of The FG Xpress Comp Plan - Building Your XTribeIf you prefer a text version of the FG Xpress Comp Plan you can download a PDF version of it by clicking here.
Now that you've been provided with a "tangible BIG PICTURE look" at the FG Xpress Comp Plan and the rewards you receive for sharing and paying FG Xpress Power Strips forward, let's take a brief yet VITALLY IMPORTANT look under the radar; below the surface if you will so I might do my best to explain; after having "tried things" both ways, what I KNOW to be the ABSOLUTE best and simplest way to leverage and fully benefit from the XTribe and the FG Xpress Comp Plan as a whole. Maximizing the FG XPress Comp Plan is About Sharing, Contributing and Paying Power Strips Forward, NOT Selling Telling, Persuading and Convincing
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein Do you know the #1 reason WHY more people don't go into business for themselves? Before I answer think about why you haven't. If you're anything like MOST, it's because you think that starting, running and maintaining a successful businesses requires technical skills and/or selling, telling, explaining and convincing. With MANY businesses that IS the case. But the reason WHY is VERY simple. It's as simple as this... Mediocre products must be sold. Cheesy "Get Rich Quick Biz Opps" must be sold. The sharing and paying forward of awesome, amazing and EXCLUSIVE products that sell themselves and have a lucrative, long term residually based comp plan attached eliminate the need for selling, telling, persuading and convincing. In fact, it's that approach that will DRAMATICALLY Limit your success in ANY business. Although you may not have yet personally experienced the far reaching effects of Power Strips for yourself and at this point are unaware of just how amazing they are, FG Xpress Power Strips most definitely fall under the awesome and amazing product category. Combine awesome and amazing with EXCLUSIVE and you've got the To refresh your memory just in case you've forgotten, Power Strips are a patented, EXCLUSIVE, Dr. formulated, first of their kind category creator that the world has been waiting for. As we covered on the FG Xpress product page, Power Strips combine Ancient Wisdom, Cutting Edge Technology and their far reaching effects are supported and validated through countless clinical and university discoveries which support just how awesome, amazing and life changing Power Strips are. That covers the tangible aspects of the FG Xpress Comp Plan. Now let's look at the "intangibles" and connect the dots regarding how these "intangibles not only impact but determines the kind, quality and quantity of "tangible results" that can be achieved.
The FG Xpress Philosophy for Creating Real Success, Real Wealth, Real Fulfillment and Real Freedom with FG Xpress is VERY SimpleLet's shift gears for a moment from Power Strips and the FG Xpress Comp Plan and take a closer look at the FG Xpress Philosophy for creating MASSIVE success with FG Xpress. The FG Xpress philosophy for earning a life changing income (whether it be via FG Xpress or any other company with an amazing product and/or service) is actually VERY simple. Contrary to what many believe regarding what's "truly necessary" to achieve massive success and amassing significant long term residually based wealth is certainly not about telling, selling, persuading and convincing. Doing things in that way is certainly A way to do them. But it's MOST DEFINITELY not the simplest, easiest, BEST or most rewarding way. Yes, a lot of people "DO think so." Due to the fact that many "think" that's how it's done, that's also what A LOT of people DO simply because they think and believe that's how wealth and success is created. That's also why so few ever achieve Real Wealth and Real Success. That's also why so many never make the choice to engage in their own business. They honestly think and believe that they must be "master tellers, sellers, persuaders and/or convincers." It's a very common way of "thinking" and "doing things" that dramatically limits "potential results" and is the very reason why those who DO achieve wealth and success remain such a small minority. It's also the very reason why some think that succeeding wildly in business requires long, hard and grueling work schedules or worse is impossible to achieve in this day and age. There was a point in time that I thought so too...but it's NOT. Because of HOW I thought, I did things in the VERY same way until I discovered a "better and FAR MORE simple way. In fact, I not only tried, I personally engaged in that less than effective or efficient approach for a number of years. And yes, I even made A LOT of money DOING things that way. But I'll be the first to tell you that "choosing that way of DOING things was HARD.
MUCH harder and more physically, mentally and emotionally draining than I've since discovered that it HAD to be...FOR SUREAfter doing so personally I can also say based on that experience...."That's where so many online/offline businesses miss the mark and where so many business owners (or would be business owners) get it wrong." REGARDLESS of how many people think that's how it should or must be done, selling, telling, persuading and convincing isn't the way engage in business to achieve the greatest results.
It's about CARING, SHARING and CONTRIBUTING.Wealth is nothing more than a measure of the value you create for others. That's a way of doing things that will enable and allow you to become VERY wealthy as well as fulfilled beyond what MOST think they can be in ways that are far more "simple" than most have the ability to conceive or imagine. Yet, it's VERY VERY simple. Here's how "simple" it is...or at least CAN BE...put in a VERY simple and easy to understand kind of way... "When you help enough people get what they want, you get what you want." - Zig Ziglar Now I can't be sure about YOU, but I see NOTHING about selling, telling. convincing or persuading in that statement. Do you? Broken down into a VERY simple and easy to understand equation...
Caring, Sharing, Contributing and Paying Power Strips Forward = SuXXess with FG Xpress.That's the ULTRA SECRET, long sought after and seemingly elusive solution to "I need to sell you something so I can make some moneyitis." I call it an "itis" because that's precisely what it is. It's a self limiting and self sabotaging "mind virus" that adversely (and needlessly) impacts the financial well being of countless unsuspecting carriers. It's this very "mind virus" that keeps so many from experiencing a kind and quality of success that we ALL desire. The fact of the matter is, "I need to sell you something so I can make some moneyitis" leads to VERY limited results and a some point severe and chronic "poverty mentality" which adversely impacts the lives of literally BILLIONS and BILLIONS of unsuspecting "VICTIMS." You combine poverty mentality and victim-hood together and you've got a SERIOUSLY destructive habitual pattern that will keep wealth and success about as FAR from you as anything could. It's this same virus that keeps so many working so hard and DOING so much yet consistently struggling, settling and getting by. Because that's a mentality that will have you trading time for money. You CAN do that. That's the choice A LOT of people DO make. But it's NOT the most rewarding choice nor is it a choice you HAVE to make. It's that same choice that either makes success MUCH harder to come by or keeps you living paycheck to paycheck, struggling, settling and getting by or worse...Engaging in a LOT of hard work, DOING and really busy activity yet still finding yourself struggling, settling and getting by in the financial aspect of life or worse, remaining flat BROKE. I don't care what the economy "out there" looks like. Sharing, caring and contributing enhances your MEconomy TANGIBLY as well as INTANGIBLY...regardless when you DO the right things in the right order. Once you have the FG Xpress Comp Plan to reward you for the sharing, contributing and paying FG Xpress forward at whatever level that you choose, the material and monetary rewards that you receive mirror those choices. The New Economy is about sharing, contributing and providing over the top value...NOT selling, telling, persuading and convincing. When you have an amazing product like Power Strips at your disposal combined with the leveraging power of the tools, system training and a heart centered intention of contributing, serving and enhancing quality of life for others, the need for selling, telling and convincing just isn't necessary. How and Why does it work that way? Once you've had the opportunity to review the many testimonials ECSTATIC Power Strips users send in, it becomes pretty obvious that...
Power Strips not only CAN, they DO easily SELL themselves.Here's the catch... As AWESOME as Power Strips are, as cutting edge as the technology is that enable Power Strips to be as effective as they are, they can't walk, talk and share themselves. Power Strips are a phenomenally AWESOME and amazing product with AMAZING and far reaching benefits, but they don't have legs nor a brain to figure out who to SHARE themselves with. That part is up to you. The HOW you do it is also up to you. My personal approach and philosophy to business and life isn't about "making money." It IS about caring, sharing and contributing. It's a VERY VERY Powerful, fulfilling and rewarding approach I'll assure you. It's an approach that enables and allows the materialization of Real Wealth and Real Freedom to become and remain REAL in a very powerfully leveraged kind of way that MANY simply don't understand. As it pertains to FG Xpress and Power Strips specifically... The KEY to achieving Real Success and creating a mind boggling long term residual income with FG Xpress boils down to simply SHARING Power Strips with those who can benefit...that's it. It REALLY and TRULY IS that simple. Make the choice to share Power Strips with those who will benefit and the FG Xpress Comp Plan will take care of the rest. So who can and does benefit from Power Strips?
EVERYONE. Power strips are quite literally for everyone and worn daily. Creating Real, Lasting, Significant and Sustainable SuXXESS with FG Xpress is Based on VERY SIMPLE science...Cause and Effect.There's a very subtle yet powerfully creative difference between selling, telling and convincing and CONTRIBUTING, SHARING and providing VALUE. We're all quite familiar with the words "Cause and Effect" yet MOST don't understand how to use and apply this age old science for creating what they desire in life. It goes WELL BEYOND science. The same applies when looked at from the perspective of ancient wisdom. It's called "sowing and reaping." In the case of business, whether it be FG Xpress or any other, sharing is the cause and receiving is the effect. Change the underlying "intention" from sharing to "making money" and the kind and quality of the cause changes which in turn changes the kind, quality and quantity of the effect. The more you share Power Strips, the more tangible benefits those who you share them with receive. The more benefit and value those who you SHARE Power Strips with receive, the more they are willing to share their experience with others and continue to exchange VALUE with you again and again and again so they might receive MORE benefit. As word spreads amongst those who you provide VALUE to, the power of leverage takes over and the opportunity to provide even more value on a much broader scale to a much broader audience increases "automatically and exponentially." That's also where a steady stream of long term residually based income becomes VERY VERY real and exciting. That is the single most VALUABLE thing I can share based on personal experience of how to maximize the FG Xpress Comp Plan. It really boils down to Value Out - Value In. Put more value out into the world (cause) and the world reciprocates by giving YOU more value back. (effect)
It "really and truly is" that simple.We ALL without exception have a desire to serve, contribute, provide value and make a difference in the world. FG Xpress provides an IMMENSE VALUE to and for the world with Power Strips. Incorporate that VALUE with a powerfully leveraged state of the art system, the training and guidance in how to best leverage and use that system combined with a willingness to SHARE Power Strips in the most EFFECTIVE way possible, you enhance the outgoing value EXPONENTIALLY thereby enhancing the value that comes back to you in ways that most are unable to conceive or imagine. But first, since we're discussing compensation Money is not only a very important part of life, it's an emotionally charged topic in modern civilization. But just like everything else, money is nothing more than energy. At it's core it's nothing more or less than energy. A perceived lack of money isn't the problem anymore than symptoms as they pertain to health are the problem. They're an effect of a deeper energy problem. Enhance the frequency and intensity of the energy that is creating the "problem" and you fix the problem. In fact, you discover that it's not a "problem at all." It IS rather nothing more or less than a choice. Value out determines value in. Imagine the act of contribution as being nothing more than energy. For the sake of simplicity, let's call it a vibe. An enhanced outbound frequency of energy. What does that do? It enhances the energy reflected back...aka the receiving of more, less or the same amount of money that you're used to receiving. The kind, quality and quantity of value out determines the kind, quality and quantity of value received. With FG Xpress the value has already been created via Power Strips. Imagine a potential constant stream of residual income ….flowing in from all directions...from EVERY country around the world! It CAN BE HUGE. It's simply a matter of choice. Which leads us into what FG Xpress provides in the way of training. A very specialized form of training. You could refer to FG Xpress training as a "specialized form of knowledge" that increases your chances of success EXPONENTIALLY should you choose to USE and APPLY the "specialized form of training" that you receive. |